いっきゅう|イケダオフィスクローバーリンクス|伊万里で英語専門塾|TOEIC|英検|受験英語 大学高校受験|通訳ガイド 英語資格取得支援のサービスを提供してます。


ク ロ バ ー   リ ク ス 伊万里市新天町202号バイパス通り(マップ) 
電話 0955-23-3406 hiroto@ikeda-office.biz

■イケダオフィス・クローバーリンクス 英作文集
Spring of Trivia

There are public toilets in a city in Australia, which open automatically within 10 minutes. According to a municipal agent of the city, those toilets could deter crimes like drug abuse, kidnapping, rape, etc. Maybe they could do that to some extent but...

How about this one? A Sphinx in Egypt is looking at a signboard of Kentucky fried Chicken! How nice this combination of ancient times, modern times, cultural heritage, and fast food is!

This information was provided by a popular Japanese TV program "Spring of Trivia". I can learn useless, trivial and funny knowledge from this program. I love it! We Japanese say "Heee" when we are surprised to learn interesting things. So, commentators in this program evaluate trivial knowledge submitted by viewers by awarding "Heee points" according to how unique, funny, cute and interesting this trivial knowledge is. 

One day, the MC said that the English word, “NEWS" originated from the words North, East, West and South. As you can see, "NEWS" consists of the capital letters of the each word. And news covers all the directions in the world.

 Afterwards, the MC smirked and said, "Don't you believe it? Oh, I'm sorry. it's not true, Actually, "NEWS" originally came from the plural of NEW. Indeed, he confidently declared, "Now that we know the facts, let's dump this fake information! We strongly encourage you to submit confusing information to us in order to promote the worldwide eradication of this information!"

Do you have any trivial knowledge or confusing information? Don't you want "Heee" points? Actually, those points are completely useless however. 

まずはご連絡を!電話0955-23-3406 hiroto@ikeda-office.biz
    848-0041 佐賀県伊万里市新天町122−2 202号バイパス通り(マップ  電話0955-23-3406 hiroto@ikeda-office.biz
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